select poah.sequence_num seq#, poah.action_date, poah.action_code,
poah.employee_id emp_id, fnd.user_name, substr (poah.object_type_code,1,3) type, poah.object_sub_type_code sub_type,
poah.object_revision_num rev, pohead.org_id, poah.note
from po_action_history poah, fnd_user fnd, po_requisition_headers_all pohead
where poah.object_id = pohead.requisition_header_id
and pohead.segment1 = '&REQ_NUMBER'
and substr(poah.object_type_code,1,3) = 'REQ'
and pohead.org_id = '&ORG_ID'
and poah.employee_id = fnd.employee_id
and fnd.session_number != 0
order by 9,2,1
poah.employee_id emp_id, fnd.user_name, substr (poah.object_type_code,1,3) type, poah.object_sub_type_code sub_type,
poah.object_revision_num rev, pohead.org_id, poah.note
from po_action_history poah, fnd_user fnd, po_requisition_headers_all pohead
where poah.object_id = pohead.requisition_header_id
and pohead.segment1 = '&REQ_NUMBER'
and substr(poah.object_type_code,1,3) = 'REQ'
and pohead.org_id = '&ORG_ID'
and poah.employee_id = fnd.employee_id
and fnd.session_number != 0
order by 9,2,1
requisition template in oracle apps
ReplyDeleteUse Simplified Loader Purchase Requisition template provides user-friendly Excel sheets to load Purchase Requisitions to Oracle Fusion. Use Simplified Loader sheets for data migration or BAU. Replace the complex FBDI process with a one-click upload using Simplified Loader.